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Hessian bag full to the brim with red roses

Hessian  bag full to the brim with of 6 x red roses and other lovely fresh flowers. 

    [costPrice] => 30.00000
    [basePrice] => 30
    [basePriceVariant] => 30
    [basePriceWithTax] => 0
    [discountedPriceWithoutTax] => 30
    [priceBeforeTax] => 30
    [salesPrice] => 30
    [taxAmount] => 0
    [salesPriceWithDiscount] => 0
    [salesPriceTemp] => 30
    [unitPrice] => 0
    [discountAmount] => -0
    [priceWithoutTax] => 30
    [variantModification] => 0
    [DBTax] => Array

    [Tax] => Array

    [VatTax] => Array

    [DATax] => Array

Price with discount: £30.00
Sales price: £30.00
Sales price without tax: £30.00
Sales price: £30.00
Select the price you wish to pay