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Valentines Day Aqua Pack Bouquet

Valentines Day Bouquet of 12 long stemmed Grand Prix red roses with different foliages. This bouquet is an Aqua Pack Bouquet with the water bubble on the bottom.

    [costPrice] => 75.00000
    [basePrice] => 75
    [basePriceVariant] => 75
    [basePriceWithTax] => 0
    [discountedPriceWithoutTax] => 75
    [priceBeforeTax] => 75
    [salesPrice] => 75
    [taxAmount] => 0
    [salesPriceWithDiscount] => 0
    [salesPriceTemp] => 75
    [unitPrice] => 0
    [discountAmount] => -0
    [priceWithoutTax] => 75
    [variantModification] => 0
    [DBTax] => Array

    [Tax] => Array

    [VatTax] => Array

    [DATax] => Array

Price with discount: £75.00
Sales price: £75.00
Sales price without tax: £75.00
Sales price: £75.00